Photo Slide Show Time is a simple utility that anyone can use to produce quality video slideshows of their favorite photographs and background music. Suitable for all types of users, the program offers a nice set of slide transitions that you can customize and a long list of device-based output profiles whose settings can also be tweaked to fit your personal requirements.
The entire creation process is, in essence, quite simple, though it has its own peculiarities. The program’s main interface offers a timeline where you can drag and drop as many image files as you wish as well as your favorite audio track. Note, however, that though images can be selected browsing your system via the folder list in the top-side panel of the program’s interface, audio tracks need to be dragged and dropped into the timeline via your preferred file manager. Images need to be selected one by one – dropping entire folders of images is not supported, and neither is multi-file selection.
Every time you drop an image into the photos track of the timeline, the program will assign random a transition effect to it. If you’re not too picky about this, you can just let the program do the entire selection for you, though you can always click on any of them to change the program’s choice and to modify its duration. You can also click on the slide itself also to change its duration, as no other image editing features are available. Both duration times are set to 3 seconds by default, a value that needs to be changed both on a slide-by-slide and a transition-by-transition basis. more